Format Updated 01-08-2023 Revised for Notes Sold
Vern Potter
Paper Money Archives
Paper Money Archives
--For Reference Only--
Small Size Federal Reserve Note Reference Archives
These Archives were formed to preserve the research performed to cross reference the various publications that catalog these notes. The prices noted are contemporary and subject to change with the market fluctuations. To identify the notes that formed the foundation of these Archives, the ID numbers are color coded BROWN or RED; subsequently added notes are coded GREEN. To view an enlarged image, click on the thumbnail image; to return to this table, click on the enlarged front or back image.
Image |
ID |
Fr No. |
FR Bank |
Series |
Den |
Description |
Grade |
Price |
SF28718 | 1900 B | New York |
1963 |
$1 | Large uniform margins and exceptionally well centered; a rare block issue | Gem CU | $175 | |
SF27090 | 1900 B | New York |
1963 |
$1 | Large uniform margins with great centering, just a fold away from full CU | Gem AU | $7 | |
SF24247 | 1900 C | Philadelphia |
1963 |
$1 | Large uniform margins, centering shifted toward top right | AU | $4 | |
SF29778 | 1900 D | Cleveland |
1963 |
$1 | Slightly skewed uniform large margins with the centering shifted slightly toward the bottom right, a scarce block issue | Ch Unc | $120 | |
SF12435 | 1900 G | Chicago |
1963 |
$1 | Centering shifted slightly toward the top right, nice margins, clean with just a soft center fold | AU | $4 | |
SF12455 | 1900 H | St. Louis |
1963 |
$1 | Large margins, centering shifted slightly toward the bottom | Ch AU | $5 | |
SF25219 | 1900 L | San Francisco |
1963 |
$1 | Large uniform margins, well centered, a brightly colored green seal, a nice example of this issue | Gem CU | $10 | |
SF13814 | 1901 B | New York |
1963A |
$1 | Very well centered in uniform large margins | Gem CU | $7 | |
SF12495 | 1901 D | Cleveland |
1963A |
$1 | Great margins and centering | Gem CU | $7 | |
SF24297 | 1901 E | Richmond |
1963A |
$1 | Well centered in uniform large margins | Gem CU | $11 | |
SF13914 | 1901 J | Kansas City |
1963A |
$1 | Very well centered in large semi-uniform margins | Ch CU | $7 | |
SF13864 | 1901 L | San Francisco |
1963A |
$1 | Nice uniform margins & centering | Gem CU | $7 | |
SF17495 | 1902 B | New York |
1963B |
$1 | Uniform large margins, very well centered | Gem CU | $10 | |
SF25249 | 1902 E | Richmond |
1963B |
$1 | Uniform large margins with centering shifted slightly toward the left and bottom | Ch CU | $6 | |
SF25259 | 1902 G | Chicago |
1963B |
$1 | Large uniform margins, centering shifted slightly toward the left | Ch CU | $6 | |
SF25269 | 1902 J | Kansas City |
1963B |
$1 | Uniform large margins, with the centering shifted toward the top slightly | Ch CU | $6 | |
SF17485 | 1902 L | San Francisco |
1963B |
$1 | Large uniform margins front & reverse, well centered | Gem CU | $8 | |
SF13985 | 1902 L | San Francisco |
1963B |
$1 | Large uniform margins w/good centering | Ch CU | $7 | |
SF23328 | 1903 B | New York |
1969 |
$1 | Uniform large margins on the obverse and reverse, well centered | Gem CU | $7 | |
SF25339 | 1903 I | Minneapolis |
1969 |
$1 | Centering is shifted toward the top within large uniform margins | Ch CU | $6 | |
SF25329 | 1903 L | San Francisco |
1969 |
$1 | The centering on this specimen is shifted a little bit toward the right end of the note within uniform large margins | Ch CU | $6 | |
SF13553 | 1905 L | San Francisco |
1969B |
$1 | A San Francisco FR bank issue with large margins and well centered | Gem CU | $8 | |
SF13643 | 1907 L | San Francisco |
1969D |
$1 | Very uniform large margins obverse and verso and well centered | Gem CU | $8 | |
SF27237 | 1908 L | San Francisco |
1974 |
$1 | Well centered in nice large uniform margins | Gem CU | $6 | |
SF25439 | 1909 L | San Francisco |
1977 |
$1 | Two very large margins with centering shifted toward the top and right end of the note | Ch CU | $5 | |
SF28888 | 1910 L | San Francisco |
1977A |
$1 | Very well centered within large margins on the obverse and reverse of this note | Gem CU | $7 | |
SF23985 | 1911 B | New York |
1981 |
$1 | The centering is shifted slightly toward the right end within nice margins, slight wear and soil as is usual for the grade | XF/AU | $3.50 | |
SF27731 | 1911 F | Atlanta |
1981 |
$1 | Nice uniform margins with good centering on this circulated mule | XF+ | $4 | |
SF29768 | 1911 L | San Francisco |
1981 |
$1 | Uniform margins, centering shifted toward the bottom and right end | Ch CU | $6 | |
SF25489 | 1913 G | Chicago |
1985 |
$1 | The centering is shifted slightly toward the bottom within large uniform margins | Ch Unc+ | $5 | |
SF25499 | 1913 H | St. Louis |
1985 |
$1 | Great large uniform margins with centering well placed within the margins | Gem CU | $8 | |
SF26650 | 1915 F | Atlanta |
1988 A |
$1 | Generous margins all around, centering well placed within the margins, clean for the grade | VF | $2.50 | |
SF24397 | 1916 L | San Francisco |
1988 A |
$1 | Nice large margins with the centering shifted slightly toward the bottom and left end | Ch CU | $5 | |
SF17775 | 1919 K | Dallas |
1993 |
$1 | All margins are large and uniform, centering is shifted toward the bottom and left end | Ch CU | $4 | |
SF24507 | 1923 A | Boston |
1999 |
$1 | A Web Note with very large uniform margins and centering well positioned within the margins | Gem CU | $35 | |
SF25569 | 1924 B | New York |
1999 |
$1 | The centering is shifted downward slightly within uniform large margins | Ch CU | $3 | |
SF17895 | 1924 C | Philadelphia |
1999 |
$1 | Uniform large margins surround this Philadelphia issue with excellent centering | Gem CU | $6 | |
SF27778 | 1935 A | Boston |
1976 |
$2 | Nicely centered, large margins, clean | Unc | $7 | |
SF23959 | 1935 C | Philadelphia |
1976 |
$2 | The centering is displaced slightly toward the right end within uniform large margins | Ch CU | $8 | |
SF29108 | 1935 D | Cleveland |
1976 |
$2 | The centering is shifted toward the top and right end within two larger uniform margins | Ch AU | $6 | |
SF29138 | 1935 E | Richmond |
1976 |
$2 | Centering shifted slightly to the right within nice uniform margins | Ch CU | $8 | |
SF29358 | 1935 F | Atlanta |
1976 |
$2 | Uniform large margins surround this issue with centering shifted a little toward the top | Ch CU | $7 | |
SF29188 | 1935 G | Chicago |
1976 |
$2 | Nice uniform margins with centering shifted toward the top slightly | Ch CU | $8 | |
SF29228 | 1935 H | St. Louis |
1976 |
$2 | Full uniform margins with centering shifted toward the right and top | Ch AU | $7 | |
SF29258 | 1935 I | Minneapolis |
1976 |
$2 | This note has nice uniform irregularly sized margins with the centering shifted toward the top and right end | Ch AU | $10 | |
SF29278 | 1935 K | Dallas |
1976 |
$2 | The obverse is well centered within uniform margins while the reverse centering is shifted toward the top of the note | Ch CU | $8 | |
SF17105 | 1935 L | San Francisco |
1976 |
$2 | A well centered note with large uniform full margins | Gem CU | $10 | |
SF16815 | 1935 L | San Francisco |
1976 |
$2 | Nice uniform margins, centering offset slightly toward the upper left | CU | $8 | |
SF16725 | 1936 F | Atlanta |
1995 |
$2 | Well centered within uniform large margins on all sides | Gem CU | $9 | |
SF23989 | 1937 I | Minneapolis |
2003 |
$2 | Good centering within nice uniform margins | Ch AU | $5 | |
SF29074 | 1961-D | Cleveland |
1950 |
$5 | A PMG graded 64 EPQ Wide II DA Block example with quite uniform large margins and well centered | V Ch CU | $75 | |
SF28388 | 1958 G | Chicago |
1934B |
$5 | Well centered within uniform full margins, clean for the grade | XF | $40 | |
SF14164 | 1961 A | Boston |
1950 |
$5 | Reasonable margins shifted slightly toward the bottom, clean, the Wide variety | Unc | $40 | |
SF14184 | 1961 C | Philadelphia |
1950 |
$5 | Good margins with centering slightly toward the top, Narrow variety | AU | $35 | |
SF14174 | 1961 D | Cleveland |
1950 |
$5 | A Wide variety issue with centering shifted slightly toward the top and left ends | CU | $40 | |
SF14154 | 1961 E | Richmond |
1950 |
$5 | Good margins, centering offset toward the bottom, the Wide variety | Unc | $40 | |
SF14074 | 1961 H | St. Louis |
1950 |
$5 | Large margins with centering shifted toward bottom, the Wide variety | Ch CU | $45 | |
SF14104 | 1961 J | Kansas City |
1950 |
$5 | Very well centered in large uniform margins, this is a Wide variety note | Unc | $50 | |
SF14084 | 1961 L | San Francisco |
1950 |
$5 | Nice margins, shifted slightly toward the bottom | Unc | $45 | |
SF25137 | 1962 A | Boston |
1950A |
$5 | Very well centered within nice large uniform margins | Gem CU | $35 | |
SF25147 | 1962 B | New York |
1950A |
$5 | Nice uniform margins with centering shifted toward bottom left | Ch CU | $30 | |
SF25157 | 1962 C | Philadelphia |
1950A |
$5 | Centering shifted slightly to the right in nice large margins | Ch CU | $30 | |
SF25167 | 1962 D | Cleveland |
1950A |
$5 | Large uniform margins with centering shifted slightly toward the right | Ch CU | $30 | |
SF25177 | 1962 E | Richmond |
1950A |
$5 | A note with large uniform margins and centering shifted slightly toward the bottom and left end | Ch CU | $35 | |
SF12725 | 1962 G | Chicago |
1950A |
$5 | The centering is shifted slightly downward and to the right within uniform large margins | Ch AU | $18 | |
SF25187 | 1962 L | San Francisco |
1950A |
$5 | Centering shifted to the right in otherwise nice uniform margins | Ch CU | $32 | |
SF27277 | 1963 A | Boston |
1950B |
$5 | Three large margins with center shifted toward the bottom | Ch CU | $35 | |
SF27267 | 1963 D | Cleveland |
1950B |
$5 | The centering is shifted toward the bottom and right end within uniform margins | Ch Unc | $35 | |
SF27287 | 1963 E | Richmond |
1950B |
$5 | Centering shifted to the left in uniform margins | CU | $35 | |
SF25207 | 1963 G | Chicago |
1950B |
$5 | Good centering in nice uniform margins | Gem CU | $45 | |
SF27257 | 1963 I | Minneapolis |
1950B |
$5 | Good centering within semi-uniform size margins | Ch Unc | $45 | |
SF25217 | 1963 K | Dallas |
1950B |
$5 | The margins are well proportioned and uniform in size, graphics are well centered | Gem CU | $45 | |
SF29648 | 1963 L | San Francisco |
1950B |
$5 | Centering shifted slightly upward within nice uniform margins | Ch CU | $35 | |
SF12305 | 1963 L | San Francisco |
1950B |
$5 | Good margins, centering shifted slightly toward the bottom | AU | $28 | |
SF25237 | 1965 B | New York |
1950D |
$5 | Centering shifted upward with three large uniform margins | Ch CU | $25 | |
SF25267 | 1965 G | Chicago |
1950D |
$5 | Three large uniform margins with the centering shifted downward | Ch CU | $25 | |
SF27250 | 1965 L | San Francisco |
1950D |
$5 | Uniform large margins all around, centering shifted a tiny bit toward the right end | Ch CU | $25 | |
SF25287 | 1966 B | New York |
1950E |
$5 | Uniform margins with the centering shifted slightly toward the right end and downward | Ch CU | $45 | |
SF27317 | 1966 G | Chicago |
1950E |
$5 | The margins are uniform with centering shifted toward the left end slightly | Ch CU | $80 | |
SF27270 | 1966 L | San Francisco |
1950E |
$5 | Two large margins, centering shifted toward the right and downward | Ch CU | $25 | |
SF13794 | 1971 L | San Francisco |
1969B |
$5 | Three large margins with the centering shifted slightly toward the left end | Ch CU | $65 | |
SF27347 | 1973 L | San Francisco |
1974 |
$5 | Uniform large margins; the centering is shifted slightly toward the bottom | Ch CU | $20 | |
SF23449 | 1975 G | Chicago |
1977A |
$5 | Uniform large margins with the centering dead-on | Gem CU | $20 | |
SF25467 | 1976 H | St. Louis |
1981 |
$5 | Very well centered within uniform full margins | Gem CU | $40 | |
SF25517 | 1977 L | San Francisco |
1981A |
$5 | Three large margins wioth the centering shifted slightly toward the top | Ch CU | $60 | |
SF24489 | 1984 E | Richmond |
1995 |
$5 | Large uniform margins centering shifted down slightly and to the left | AU+ | $15 | |
SF24499 | 1984 F | Atlanta |
1995 |
$5 | Large uniform margins centering shifted to the right slightly | AU | $15 | |
SF13654 | 2006 C | Philadelphia |
1934A |
$10 | The centering is shifted toward the left slightly within medium sized full margins; light soiling present | XF | $25 | |
SF25639 | 2006 L | San Francisco |
1934A |
$10 | The margins are full and on the smaller side with centering shifted slightly toward the top and left end | XF/AU | $30 | |
SF13604 | 2007 C | Philadelphia |
1934B |
$10 | The margins are smaller with centering shifted toward the left and bottom a fair amount | AU | $50 | |
SF13713 | 2008 C | Philadelphia |
1934C |
$10 | Full larger margins with centering shifted toward the right end | AU | $30 | |
SF29718 | 2008 L | Philadelphia |
1934C |
$10 | Full larger margins with centering shifted toward the top and left end, light soiling | VF+ | $15 | |
SF11523 | 2010 A | Boston |
1950 |
$10 | Uniform margins with centering shifted slightly toward the left end; this is the Wide, light seal variety | CU | $80 | |
SF14464 | 2011 G | Chicago |
1950A |
$10 | Good margins with centering shifted slightly toward the bottom and right end | AU | $50 | |
SF27367 | 2050 D | Cleveland |
1928 |
$20 | This first issue is well centered within uniform small margins | AU | $175 | |
SF25707 | 2050 L | San Francisco |
1928 |
$20 | Nice uniform margins on all sides with good centering and very light soiling | AU | $200 | |
SF25717 | 2052 L | San Francisco |
1928B |
$20 | The centering is shifted slightly upward within small uniform margins, light soil noted | AU+ | $85 | |
SF29738 | 2054 C | Philadelphia |
1934 |
$20 | Good centering in small uniform margins, light soiling; the dark green seal, Mule variety | XF | $40 | |
SF25727 | 2054 L | San Francisco |
1934 |
$20 | Well centered in small margins, usual soiling for grade; the dark boue-green variety | XF | $50 | |
SF13673 | 2055 L | San Francisco |
1934A |
$20 | The margins are very uniform in size and shape; centering is also very good | Unc | $75 | |
SF12923 | 2056 G | Chicago |
1934B |
$20 | The right end margin is very large resulting from the centering being shifted toward the left end | CU | $70 | |
SF12943 | 2057 A | Boston |
1934C |
$20 | Very well centered in uniform small margins | Gem CU | $125 | |
SF13934 | 2057 L | San Francisco |
1934C |
$20 | Uniform small margins surround this premium issue with centering centered very well within the margins | Gem CU | $125 | |
SF12973 | 2077 B | New York |
1990 |
$20 | Three large margins, centering shifted slightly toward the bottom | Ch CU | $70 | |
SF20716 | 2151 G | Chicago |
1928A |
$100 | Uniform small margins with centering shifted slightly to the left; a low serial number example, clean | AU | $250 | |
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These Notes Are For Reference Only---They Are No Longer Avaiable